The story of TEU and ECSSSUP
From 1945, the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS) has supported provision of education, including 2088 primary schools, 12 secondary schools, 12 higher education colleges. In 2011, the Church led a feasibility study into tertiary education provision and consulted widely across educational institutions and other stakeholders in South Sudan.
The recommendation was a geographically dispersed higher education model that would capitalise on the existing network of ECSSS colleges and bring together students across the country. This university would be based on a Christian foundation but open to all faiths and none, and would aim to benefit the whole country, eventually attracting students from neighbouring African countries.

This was the beginning of the university!
ECSSSUP is the UK charity that exists to support The Episcopal University in South Sudan. Read more about our joint story below.
Rev Dr Joseph Bilal was appointed to spear head the development of this new university, based in Juba.
ECSSSUP is formed as a UK charity, with the sole purpose of supporting the development of this new university.
A Project Management Board was also established in Juba to oversee and support Joseph’s work and to progress the development of the project. They focused on assessing the existing institutions, land negotiations and registration of the university with the Government of South Sudan.
The Episcopal University receives preliminary registration as a project with the South Sudan government, and the university is ratified by the General Synod of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan.
Further assessment of participating colleges is completed in preparation for the next steps in the registration process for private universities in South Sudan.
A consultation meeting is held with representatives from all colleges. The name – The Episcopal University – and its logo is designed and agreed.
TEU becomes legally incorporated and registered with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.
Work on a core curriculum is started by higher education specialists in South Sudan and the UK.
A workshop is held again with all participating colleges to agree the core curriculum, confirm which colleges are ready to be in “phase 1” of the university’s development and agree the vision, mission and values.
A core staff team is hired under Joseph Bilal to manage the process of forming the university from its participating colleges, including in project management, finance, administration and logistics. A new office in Juba is opened.
​The project management board had its final meeting; as the university starts developing, a Governing Council will be established in its place.
TEU negotiates land for a new central campus and administrative centre to meet land requirements of the government. This land is in Rokon, 50 miles west of Juba. A foundation stone is laid to celebrate – watch the proceedings here!
ECSSSUP appoints Mrs Caroline Welby as Patron.
ECSSSUP creates a new Advisory Board, a growing network of specialists in various subjects who can provide advice and guidance to both ECSSSUP and TEU, and continue to evangelise about the university.
Dr Eeva John, founder of ECSSSUP, is made Vice Chancellor of TEU by Archbishop Justin Badi for a period of two years.
The School of Law opens and TEU receives its first cohort of law students and the Bishop Gwynne School of Theology admits its first fully accredited cohort of theology students.
Our People

Dr Eeva John
Vice Chancellor

Revd Samuel Galuak Marial
Dean of the Bishop Gwynne School of Theology

Revd Dr Michael Kiju Paul
Principal of Kajo Keji Christian College

Revd Dr Canon Joseph Bilal
Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administration
and Finance

Dr Justice James Alala Deng
Dean of the School of Law

Revd Eli Bangisa
Principal of Chaima Christian Institute

Revd Dr James Aruma Ilarious
Deputy Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs

Philip Abiel Nyok
Principal of St John’s College